Well, who could've imagined a day in just a T-shirt? My arms were chilly, driving around town today in the 60 degree weather, but the sun on my skin was well worth it. Unfortunately, my day was spent running errands for my poor little Lily, who has a terribly painful ear infection.
I went to work this morning, thinking it would be like any other day. Worked hard, helped out, did my best - but I just couldn't stop thinking about Lily with her fever and hurting ear, waiting for me! Everyone else went to school like normal today, but I just knew that Lily was counting the seconds until I could pick her up...so I did, and we had a pretty nice sick day together! Luckily, work was light and I was able to skip out early - they are pretty good about that. Lily and I went to the pediatrician's (no strep but positive ear infection) and then to the pharmacy, then picked up the little girls at preschool, and grabbed a yummy dinner on the way home. yay for Tropical Smoothie! Those things make everything better.
Lily is asleep beside me on the couch, and we have the fire going. It was a fairly calm night - as opposed to most, where the 3 little girls run around like wild banchees, fussing at each other! Tonight was subdued - they all sat happily at the table together, ate quietly, and then we all snuggled and watched America's Funniest Home Videos! I wish it was so lovely everyday, but then maybe I wouldn't appreciate it...I'm sure tomorrow will be back to the usual little girl mood swings and temper tantrums! Having 3 fiesty girls under 5 is a ... circus!
Please cross your fingers for me this week...40 hours of work, 10 hours of lecture, and THE absolute biggest test I've had so far in my nursing school experience. Pray for the A!!!!! Thanks for your help, and I'll be dreaming of cardio and neurological abnormalities tonight...
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