Size matters. Yes, I said it. The size of your dreams matter, but so does the size of your wallet to help you reach them.
As I continue my forward momentum toward the NSNA 2011 National Convention in Utah, I'm pleased to say that my own SGO has decided to honor my request and help me financially. It is a huge help, but unfortunately, nowhere near the total I'll be spending. I just learned today that the hotel alone will now be almost $1,000 for the 5 nights, because the tax there is 12.73%! And due to the price of gasoline, the cheapeest airfare I can find is running about $650. With campaign materials, food, and more, it will take more than I have for me to get there.
I'm finding myself worrying about the money more than planning the actual campaign.
So my rational, realistic, earthy husband says, "Well, why do you really need to go? What are you getting out of this?" Even if I don't know what the future holds, I KNOW that this process will be one of the most influential on my future as a nurse leader. I'm excited to be an official NSNA Candidate for Imprint Editor for 2011-2012, and to represent Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing (on our 50th Anniversary, no less) at the national level. It would be an honor to serve my fellow students as our voice, bringing a fresh outlook and perspective to Imprint...if I can get there.
So my question is...how do we find the creativity to match the size of our dreams with the size of our resources?
I'm seeing a massive Mary Kay endeavor in my near future... who's ready for world-class skin care? =)